2023 Flow Seminar @KTH (Sweden). Title: “Physics-Informed Data-Driven Tools: From Ideal models to Geophysical systems”.

2022 Seminar @ICTP (Italy). Title: “Physics-Informed Data-Driven Tools: From Ideal models to Geophysical systems”.

2021 Young Seminars, Società Italiana di Fisica Statistica (Italy). Title: “AI Meets Turbulence: Lagrangian and Eulerian data-driven tools for optimal navigation and data-assimilation”.

2020 Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (India). Title: “Artificial Intelligence meets complex flows, from optimal navigation to reconstruction of turbulent data”.

2020 Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides de Lille (France). Title: “Artificial Intelligence meets complex flows, from optimal navigation to reconstruction of turbulent data”.

2019 Seminar at the CNR-ISAC Rome (Italy). Title: “Optimal navigation in complex flows”.

2016 COST Lagrangian transport: from complex flows to complex fluids; Lecce (Italy). Title: “Eulerian and Lagrangian turbulence on fractal Fourier set”.